Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Diversity in Marriages Essay example -- Marriage Diversity Culture Rel

Diversity in Marriages Enormous diversity in nationalities and cultures throughout the world often can create obstacles to developing relationships between those who choose to be narrow-minded and prejudiced about ethnic groups outside their own. Conflicts that arise between Okeke and his son is an example of how affiliations with a different culture can disrupt a relationship between two people because of one's ignorance. Okeke believes that holding onto his culture's traditions is more important than keeping a close relationship with his son. Nnaemeka's father chooses to follow his tribe members' opinions and customs, rather than listen to his son and stand by his decision to marry Nene. Evidence of this is when Okeke commiserates with his fellow villagers to discuss the news of his son's disobedience. Commenting on how shocking Nnaemeka's behavior was, the villagers look down on Okeke's son. They think he is a bad son, even calling him "sick" and needing a doctor or herbalist to cure his disobedience. During the tribe members' discussion, Okeke does not stand up for his son or argue that perhaps the rest of them may be wrong about how serious the situation really is. He agrees that Nnaemeka cannot be an exception, he must follow the traditions no matter what. Which is why Okeke picks out a suitable girl he thinks his son should marry. By following the tribe's customs, he is able to preserve his family's history and heritage within the Ibo ...

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